How do I change my help center's appearance?

You can change your Help Center's appearance using the different available options on the Settings tab option located in the app's header.

You will find a variety of color and layout options to customize your help center. When making changes, remember to save them using the Save Changes button at the top right.

Within the available options, you will find:

  • Mode. This will change how the Collections/articles are displayed in your help center. You can choose Full and List.

Full. List.

You can also change/customize the language/texts used in various places across your help center.

Change the top image banner:

Here is a sample of what it looks like when you uploaded an image for your top image:

For more customization options, please check the box for 'Show advanced settings'.

You can select the color you want to implement to change the appearance of your Help HQ. Below are the available options:

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